Labels:book | cassette | cassette tape | crt screen | desk | grandstand | monitor | poster | rock | screen | sky | skyscraper | table OCR: DOpus PLUS Essential Compan ion to Opus Magellan To coincide with thetrelease Opus Magellan II GPSoftware has commis ssioned inew CD'specially "for Opus users gives you.custom written' tutorials to complement Opu Magellan collects hundreds of megabytes ofimages: sounds, icons iand seripts'and other utilities-to complement your .Opus installaton. Speclally comimis sioned Ttutorials in hthl and AmigaGuide by.: Lottand lotsoficons forStartMe us,Button Amis some of the leading DOpus experts s in-the world icovering such files and foldercpluspecially designed sets o Toolbar -diverse topics as icons from DOpus experts The definitive Opus tutorial gives Tthe deal companion forthe Lots of predefined program or file Filetypes o support almost an Amig nei Opus Magellan ll that you the mucl more dept ...